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  • Alissa Isenhath

How Often Should You Blog?

This is probably the most frequently asked question about blogging. Seriously.

The answer is simple.

As much as you can reasonably afford to, in terms of both money and/or time.

I set out to bring you the most updated research I could find from the most respected sources to back up my answer to you.

Surprise. There wasn’t much. The sources I was finding were either or 3 year old info. Neither of which I would consider particularly reliable and definitely not worth sharing with my audience, with whom I’m trying to establish trust.

So, now what?

What are the Big Guys Doing?

I did finally find an interesting infographic from, which revealed the following: (each of the percentages is customer acquisition as opposed to no blog)

~ Blogging less than 1x per month: 33%

~ Blogging 1x per month: 49%

~ Blogging 1x per week: 72%

~ Blogging 2-3x per week: 76%

~ Blogging every day: 78%

~ Blogging multiple times per day: 89%

After continuing my search and coming up empty, I had a thought.

How often do the big guys blog? Not just the big guys in the vacation rental space, but the BIG guys. Like Gary Vaynerchuk, Rand Fishkin, Brian Clark, Pat Flynn. The guys that make MILLIONS from their blogs?

They might know a thing or two about the optimum number of blogs to post, right?

So, here it is:

GaryVaynercuk,com - 5x in one week. (Rand Fishkin) - 8x in one week (Brain Clark) - 5x per week (Pat Flynn) - 3x per week

*Gulp* Should I Be Blogging 5x a Week?

Short answer? No.

Obviously, the average vacation rental company doesn’t have the resources of these guys. But one of the great things about the internet is that, in so many way, it levels the playing field. so that even the little guys get a crack at the big time.

That’s great news for you. According to the stats provided by Hubspot, just blogging 1x per week will show enormous returns on investment. Once a week is a doable chunk, particularly if you have some help. (hey, I can help with that!)

Before we get way off course here (and I’m good at that), the answer to this burning question of “how often should I blog?” is this: With only a 4% difference between once a week and 2-3x a week, once a week should fulfill your needs. If you can spare the manpower or have the marketing dollars to blog 2-3x per week, great. But it doesn’t really seem necessary.

Need some help with blog posts? Get in touch!

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