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  • Alissa Isenhath

How to Write a Kick-Ass Blog Post in 8 Steps

Would you go scuba diving without checking your gear? Of course not.

If you’re putting your life in the hands of an oxygen tank, a regulator and a mask, you’re going to make damn sure everything is in perfect working order.

The same principle applies to your blog posts. Don’t put anything out into the online world without triple checking to make sure that it passes through...

...the 4 Gateposts

Is it accurate? Double- and triple-check your facts. Don’t be that company that throws anything out there for clicks. It will hurt your credibility and over time, your reputation.

It is respectful? It’s NEVER okay to put someone else (whether that “someone” is a person or an entity) down to boost yourself up or get a laugh. Follow the golden rule here.

Is it helpful? If the content you’re putting out there doesn’t enhance your readers life in some way, it’s a fail. It doesn’t have to be earth-shattering; you can enhance someone’s life by telling them about the great new restaurant that opened down the street.

It is relevant? This means relevant to your niche. If you’re a vacation rental company owner, don’t write about the benefits of the latest iPhone. Your posts should keep have a foothold in your industry.

Similarly, don’t write about the stuff that has already happened. Nobody cares about last year’s race or the movie that was filmed there 5 years ago.

The Title is Everything

The fact is, you’ve got one chance to grab your reader’s attention. And that’s with your title. So, you’ve got to make it count.

With that said, I have an opinion here that’s against mainstream. I think you need to wait until you’re completely finished to determine the title of your post.

Here’s why. If you’re anything like me, your post will evolve as you’re writing it. The slant you start off with may not be what you finish with.

Your title has to sum up what’s actually in the post. If it doesn’t, you’ll lose your readers trust. If you’ve lost your readers trust, you’ve lost that reader.

Here’s a trick I use to both get me started and keep me in the ballpark of my original idea. I use a “working title”, i.e., a rough draft. It puts my initial intentions on paper and gives me a starting point and a guide.

Compelling First Paragraph

Once you’ve gotten your readers attention with the perfect post title, your next job is to keep it. The best way to do that is with a bold first paragraph.

My advice is to write no more than two sentences for this first paragraph. The first sentence should give your reader a taste of what’s to come. The second sentence should be a bold statement.

“Wondering whether to go the beach this summer? Well, of course you should - here’s why!”


Did you know that subheadings will help your SEO? It’s true!

Apart from a Google boost, subheadings are also a great idea because they ratchet down the intimidation factor.

Have you ever looked at a 6-inch long block of solid text and thought, “There’s no way I’m reading all that.”? Of course - we all have!

Subheadings create a way to break your information into far more easily consumable chunks. They also offer the bonus of allowing your readers to scan for the topics they’re most interested in.

Oh, and blog posts with subheadings are just more visually appealing. They look balanced and well thought out.

Informative & Engaging Body

Most important point of all - make sure you’re providing value to your reader. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel as far as your topic is concerned, but do make sure you’re putting your own personal spin on it.

Remember that your readers are very busy and their attention spans are short. Don’t pontificate.

I tend to make my paragraphs very short. Absolutely no more than 3 sentences. Pack as much punch as you can in the shortest space possible.

Write in a conversational tone. Don’t use a long word if a short word will suffice. Show your personality a little. Your readers will enjoy the personalization.

Last, you don’t have to stuff your post with keywords anymore. Google is now smart enough to understand what you’re talking about. If you’re explaining your topic well, you just don’t need keywords.

Side note: that’s actually a little scary, isn’t it?

Appealing Graphics

Definitely break up your subheadings with good quality photos or illustrations. It adds visual appeal to your post, which will keep your reader engaged.

Make sure you either own the photos/graphics or have permission to use them, though. DO NOT just copy and paste a photo from Google. I know someone who ended up with a $700 invoice for doing that.

There are some great resources out there for stock photos. Some are even free.

Here’s what I used to do when I was working in VR offices. I’d go out to the beach or to some local attractions and take my own. Another great idea is to ask guests for theirs.

Powerful Call-to-Action

Every single blog post you write should have a clear call-to-action (CTA).

Whether you want your reader to comment on your post, share it to their social media,, look at your rentals or book one, make sure you are giving them clear instructions on how to do just that.

Make ‘em short and sweet.

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Relevant Internal Link

Include lots of links to other pages on your website. Think of it as free advertising.

It also keeps your reader on your website, which is good for your SEO.

Links to other blog posts. Links to specials. Links to testimonials. Link to a newsletter sign up page.

Good Meta Description

This is the little snippet that Google displays in its search results. You don’t get much real estate here, so make every character count.

If you don’t specify your meta description, Google will just grab the first sentence or two from your post. This is not always the best representation.

You’ve already worked so hard to craft the perfect blog post. Take the extra few minutes to create a kick-ass meta description, too.

You got this

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